AN Adult Christmas PArty game...

Okay, I say ADULTS ONLY, but this game is going to be won by those who can see past where their dirty mind takes them and find the innocence within.

Johnny the Dirty Elf has hidden a prize and players must solve and decode all of that naughty little elf's riddles to learn where the location is.  All the riddles have innocent answers, but the way they are worded bring up anything but Christmas innocence. Hidden throughout the playing area are the answers to these riddles

This adult Christmas party game starts out with a riddle (12 riddles in all).  All of Johnny the Dirty Elf's riddles have innocent answers, but the way the riddle is written is anything but.  If your crowd has dirty minds then these innuendo's are going to send it into overdrive.

The answer image cards (known as CodeBusters) are hidden throughout the playing area. Below is the correct CodeBuster for the riddle on the left. Some host do away with the hiding bit and simply attach them to the walls in obvious places.  It really depends on how you want to set up the game.

Once players find what they believe is the Correct CodeBuster card then they can place the image card over the code on the riddle card and a letter will be seen through the keyhole on the card. In this example you can see the S.

One of the genius things about this game is that YOU DECIDE THE LOCATION, the code is EDITABLE so that host can change it to what they want it to be before printing.  Simply open in adobe reader, click on the default letters you want to change and switch them to the letters you need to spell your prize location.

If they are correct that letter will be part of the location where the 'prize' is hidden. The prize can be anything you want it to be, it can even be bragging rights if you want to low budget. 

This hunt has 12 different riddles so your hiding location will need to be 12 letters or less.  If it is less than 12 letters you will need to remove some of the riddles. 

dirty elf - adult christmas party game

SET UP:  Open your download in Adobe Reader.  Decide on your hiding location and change the specified letter on each Riddles Code to one from your location. Just click on it, backspace, and type your letter - DONE.  Now Print.  

Next, open the CodeBuster file and use a basic hole punch (you can buy these at your local Dollar Store) to punch the hole out of each padlocks on each card. Now Print.

Hide the CodeBuster cards throughout your playing area or simply tape them along the wall, or spread them over a table. If you want to set it up as a competition divide players in to teams and print out a set of riddle cards for each team. Some Host get creative and instead of giving the players the Riddle Cards they will hide them as well, or give teams a Riddle for every shot a player takes if it's that kind of party.  It's very versatile, but the idea is that players/teams must be the first to match up all the riddles with the correct answers and unscramble all the code letters to determine the prize location.

get your dirty elf adult christmas party game now!
instant download $8.99

Your DIRTY ELF Adult Christmas Party Game Includes the following:

  • 12 Dirty Elf Riddle Cards
  • 18 CodeBuster Cards (6 decoy answers)
  • Host Instructions

This game will be delivered via email within minutes after ordering. It will arrive in ready to print PDF's. You will need to open the game in Adobe Reader, if you open in a different PDF reader it is prone to act wonky. 

If you need any help contact me at HappyPartying@gmail.com


Looking for something fun and different this Holiday Season! Check out our exclusive Thanksgiving & Christmas party game printables.  These printable games make it easy to print and play!!