Adult Christmas Party Games - Printable FUN!

Our printable Adult Christmas party games have a little something for everyone.  We have some Christmas games that are perfect for Office Parties, family parties, and NSFW parties.  

When creating a printable Christmas game I am looking for unique, fun, and engaging. You will not find these games anywhere else on the net - they are 100% exclusive.

I have included my tried and true most popular games such as Christmas Song Scramble and Christmas Movie Trivia along with some new adult Christmas party games for 2020 that I am hoping will become just as popular.  

I am always looking for new ideas so email at with your feedback!

printable adult christmas party games
christmas song scramble

This printable party game is great for an adult Christmas party, but it's family friendly as well.

Players must arrange the picture cards to create popular Christmas songs. Players can race to see who can create the songs first, or play another version where players must be the first to get their team to guess which song they made. There are 4 ways to play!

This printable game can be played with as few or as many players as you.

printable adult christmas party games
dirty elf

Okay, this game is definitely NOT FOR KIDS.  Johnny the Dirty Elf has hidden a treasure for those that can answer his Christmas Riddles and Decode the secret treasure location.

Sounds innocent enough - and if your crowd is free of dirty minds then it is, but if you and your friends have any smut on the brain Johnny's naughty riddles will bring all the innuendo's to mind.  

The goal is to find the game card that features an image of the answer - luckily the real answer is very innocent and Christmas oriented.  The answer cards are also secret decoders that when placed over the riddle card will reveal a secret letter that is part of the location where the treasure is hidden. Solve all 12 riddles to discover where the treasure is hidden.  Best part is the code is editable so that the Host can make the hiding location anywhere they want. This game can also be easily used as an Escape Room.

printable adult christmas party games
christmas movie trivia hunt

Christmas movies!  Those tried and true movies you look forward to watching every Christmas.  This year challenge everyone to a trivia treasure hunt that test players knowledge of their favorites in a fun and engaging way.

This is not your Grandma's treasure hunt, and though this hunt is family friendly it is definitely not just for kids. 

printable adult christmas party games
cLUED-IN Ugly Sweater Murder Mystery

No Complicated Script.  No Stressful Set-Up. Just Holiday Fun & Murder!

The hilarious murder mystery game where players need to figure out who the murder is, what Christmas themed murder weapon they used, and what their motive was.  

Was it Sally Sugarplum in the Ugly Stocking Sweater?  Did she stab the victim dead with a candy cane shank or bludgeon them with a snow globe? Did she do it for Love, Revenge, Money?

This game can be played with 5-25 players and set-up in under 5 minutes. The object of the game is be the first player to determine which ugly sweater the murderer was wearing, the Christmas themed weapon they did it with, and the Christmas themed motive behind the murder - we've added a few plot twist to keep you on your toes!


Christmas Shenanigans - DIY GAme SHOW

This Christmas party games makes it easy to create a Christmas Game Show at your Holiday bash this year. 

No need to scour the internet collecting and sorting games this year - this game has them all packed into one!

Games include Minute to Win It, Picture Puzzlers, Reindeer Games, Categories, Heads Up, and more! 10 Categories of Games in All.

To play this game you will need PowerPoint and a large TV or other screen to set up the Interactive Game Board. 

christmas family feud

This interactive PowerPoint Family Feud style game let's you turn your party into a game show.  Simply plug up your computer to your television and turn on the game.

Game comes with printable Host cards and the PowerPoint game features 8 different Survey Questions, answers that flip over with a ding when host clicks on it, Christmas jungle timer, sad elf face that appears on a click when a players gets a wrong answer, and an exciting Lightening Round for a grand finale!


Looking for something fun and different this Holiday Season! Check out our exclusive Thanksgiving & Christmas party game printables.  These printable games make it easy to print and play!!