NEW! KIDS HALLOWEEN treasure hunt 2
EDITABLE party game!

This is the second of our printable Kids Halloween Treasure Hunts. Same creativity and fun from the first one with a few differences.

First, this hunt has editable locations. Open the download in adobe reader and simply click on the space where locations go and type where you plan to hide the next clue!  So Easy!

Second, there are 8 clues in this hunt as compared to the 11 in the first Halloween Hunt.  These clues are also a bit easier so the playing age has dropped down to age 6, but it also won't go up as high.  I would say max age 13, if you need something for a higher age range go with the original Halloween Treasure Hunt or Choose from our other printable Halloween Games.

The hunt features 8 clues that are themed around Halloween.  Each clue is a different type of game, puzzle, or challenge for the players to solve to learn the location of the next clue.

The variety of the clues is great. One clue is a maze, another a secret message you can only discover with our Halloween Monster decoders, another is a puzzle that players must put together, another a picture search where when the players color in all the right picture boxes an image appears, another is a challenge to determine the real Jack O' Lantern among the impostors, etc.

The best part is YOU get to decide where the hidden locations are. That means you can play this game ANYWHERE!


how does the kids halloween
treasure hunt party game work?

When you download our hunt, you will receive a PDF with the 8 clues and set up instructions. This game was designed for players ages 6-12.  Players need to be able to read and spell. The game usually takes between 30-45 minutes to play. 

You can use all the clues, or if you want to remove any for any reason (some want to create a shorter game) you can do that. Next, you will determine the places you want to hide your clues and then fill in the clue locations (see examples below).  

If you want to play with multiple teams racing against each other to the treasure you simply set-up and print out as many sets of clues as you have teams. Once all the clues are printed out, hide them in the locations you decided, and hide the YOU WIN card along with whatever treasure you chose in the location provided by the last clue.

 The first clue is not hidden, it is given to players to start the game.  

how do you edit the Kids
Halloween treasure hunt party game?

Below I use two of the clues from this treasure hunt as examples to show you how easy it is to personalize this treasure hunt for your specific locations. 

kids halloween hunt CLUE EXAMPLE #1

This is what the clue will look like when you open it up in adobe reader to edit. To edit you will simply click on the text that reads DECOY LOCATION and ANSWER and replace it with a location of your choosing.  You will make sure that the location that you choose to place in the ANSWER location is the next place you will hide a clue.  In the locations that are decoys you will hide a try again token.

Below is a sample of what it might look like when you are done.  Players will then solve the clue and know to look in the mailbox for their next clue.

kids halloween hunt clue example #2

The above clue feature six cute descriptions of classic Halloween monsters.  Each riddle must be answered with one of the Halloween Monster Decoders you see on the right (you simply cut them out and use a hole punch to remove hole before the game). 

When you open the hunt the clue will look like the image on the left.  Each cluster of letters has a X in it.  This is the letter you will need to change.  You do this simply by clicking on the X and changing it to a letter in your clue location.  Because there are only six locations, your clue location must be six letters long.

I choose the location FRIDGE, below is what the clue will look like once edited.  

and this is what the players will see when they solve all the clues and place the decoders in the correct locations. 

how to play the HALLOWEEN
treasure hunt party game

Once you have the clues personalized, you print.  Cut out each of the clues and place each clue in an individual envelope (optional).  If you are playing with multiple teams you want to mark these somehow (usually assigning a color to each team works) so that teams don't accidentally pick up clues that belong to another team.

The first clue of the hunt is not hidden, it is put aside.  Hide all the other clues according to your chosen locations.  That means whatever location is the answer to the first clue you put aside will be where you hide the next clue, and so forth.  The last clue should lead to the YOU WIN card and whatever treasure you have decided upon.  

To begin the game give the players that first clue you put aside and let the spooktacular fun begin!

treasure hunt PARTY GAME NOW!


Your Editable Kids Halloween Treasure comes with the following:

  • 8 fun, creative clues.
  • 6 Monster Decoders
  • 1 Host Guide
  • Sheet of Try Again Token

You will receive your download minutes after ordering. Everything arrives in a editable PDF. The file MUST be opened using adobe reader, it will not work properly if you try and edit it in another PDF reader such as Preview.  No physical item will be mailed.

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leave tmnt treasure hunt party game
and see more printable treasure hunts