NEW! PRintable thanksgiving games

The holidays are a special time of the year for everyone. Family and friends gather together to share their traditions and the reasons for being grateful about all of the blessings in their lives. It's a time for catching up with one another, for sharing a feast full of favorite foods, and for many, sitting down and watching their favorite sports game while dad and grandpa fall asleep in their favorite easy chairs.

Sometimes, as wonderful as those precious Thanksgiving traditions may be, they can get a little dry, especially for the young ones. They're often not much interested in chatting with the gathered generations of family members, with the exception, maybe, of the ones close to their age. Kids tend to get in the way during cooking and setting the table (unless they have their own jobs). After the eating, while there's clean-up and more chatting and the aforementioned sports event of choice, the young ones often go back to their restlessness.

Instead of going with the old staid standards, why not turn Thanksgiving into a party that's fun for all ages? You still prepare your family's usual foods and take part in practiced traditions, but add some special spice that will not only entertain the young kids, but the rest of the family too! Some new traditions everyone can grow with!

top 10 printable Thanksgiving games
thanksgiving treasure hunt

Our printable Thanksgiving themed treasure hunt has everything you need to create a fun and exciting treasure hunt.  It features 12 creative and fun clues, each providing a different kind of challenge to the players. 

It comes in a ready-to-print download, and the best part is YOU DECIDE WHERE THE CLUES ARE HIDDEN, that means you can set this game up ANYWHERE!

We have done the really tough work for you,  all you have to do is hide the clues and watch the fun begin.  This is the perfect activity to entertain the kids while you are busy making the Holiday meal, or as something festive to do in the classroom or church.

Turkeys in hats!

This is a fun little card game featuring, as you may have guessed, turkeys in hats!  All kinds of hats, and not just hats, accessories too.  

The challenge is to be the first to get rid of all their Turkey in Hat cards. The fun is guessing which will be the next turkey to go.

This game can be played with 3 or more players ages 4 and up. 

CodeBusters - Thanksgiving Riddles Edition

This printable game is one of my favorites and is perfect if you are looking for an activity for a big group of all ages, but it can also be set up to be played by a few or even one person.  It is a very versitile choice. 

Players must race to solve Thanksgiving riddles and use decoders to discover the four digit winning combination!  This game can be set up like a Treasure Hunt, Escape Room, or even a great classroom activity.  It is up to you!

whose the turkey?

Everyone sits around the table or in a circle and everyone has a card (can be made using index cards) with something relate to Thanksgiving - one of the cards has a turkey!  

One players sits in the middle (if your playing at the table just designate one player as the guesser).  

The other players each take a card.  The player who draws the turkey, is considered the TURKEY for that round.

 Now all players must trade their cards with another player, look at their new cards, and then trade their cards with a different player. 

At this point the guesser can say GOBBLE GOBBLE and the players that received the turkey in a TRADE (not the original Turkey) must GOBBLE GOBBLE back.  The guesser then gets two chances to guess who had the turkey card originally.

 If they guess right they get a piece of candy or other small prize and get to go again.  If they guess wrong the player who originally grew the turkey gets to be the next guesser. Play as long as you like - best with six or more players.

Make your own cards or if you don't have the time then download ours!

get your 'WHOse the turkey' game now!
instant download $3.99

Your printable game will arrive within minutes in a ready-to-print PDF file.  This is a digital purchase - No physical product will be mailed.  If you do not see it in your email please check your junk folder before you contact us - that is the usual culprit. If you have any questions or feedback we would love to hear from you!  Contact  Us At:

harvest time bingo?

This printables Bingo game includes 30 unique 5x7 Thanksgiving themed bingo cards.  It also includes 34 calling cards.  The graphics are stunning and the set lets you put a fun thematic spin on a classic favorite. It's great to play on with a few kids and it includes enough cards to play with the whole family at Thanksgiving or even the whole classroom right before Thanksgiving break. 

This game is available for instant download. It will arrive via email in a ready-to-print PDF file minutes after purchase!  

Get Your Harvest time bingo game
Instant download $6.99

Your printable game will arrive within minutes in a ready-to-print PDF file.  This is a digital purchase - No physical product will be mailed.  If you do not see it in your email please check your junk folder before you contact us - that is the usual culprit. If you have any questions or feedback we would love to hear from you!  Contact  Us At:

Thanksgiving activity sheets for kids

Activity Sheets are a great way for kids to occupy themselves with while the adults are still eating or chatting at the table. Some ideas include coloring pages (you can buy cheap crayons at the dollar store -- make sure they're non-toxic if the kids are little!), Thanksgiving-related word scrambles, crossword puzzles, mazes, and jokes. Take a page from clever restaurants that turn kids' activities into placemats to keep them entertained at the table.


I love promoting WORTHY mom blogs and if I see a great idea I will pass it on.  This adorable craft idea's credit goes to and I just had to share.  It looks like so much fun to make and absolutely delicious to eat. Click on the pic to check out her blog for complete details on how to set up this craft for your kids.