scary movie emoji scramble
 printable halloween party game!

Players square off against each other to use all the assorted emoji cards to describe popular scary movies, Halloween movies, and thriller movies. This games includes 180 emoji cards and 90 movie prompts.

This game is great for Halloween Parties. There are four ways to play so you can choose which one best suits you. Age range is geared more toward adults and teens.

Players start out with a pile of 180 emoji cards.  The image below shows the cards printed on 8x11 pages - cards print 12 per page for a total of 15 pages.

They then scramble through those emoji's and try and make combinations that will describe horror movies. Here are three examples.  NOTE:  There is no one way to use the emoji's, players can be as creative as they want with the cards - the goal is to get the other players to guess which movie you are describing. 




scary movie emoji scramble! halloween party game
4 ways to play

You can play this game in one of four ways.

1.Divide players into two  teams. One player (it doesn’t matter whose team they are from, maybe flip a coin) draws a movie title and must describe the movie using only the emoji cards. Players from either team can call out their guess.  The first player to call it out correctly wins a point for their team and gets to be the next describer.  Describers have two minutes to get others to guess, if the timer runs out before anyone guesses then no point is given and a player from the other team comes up to be the describer.

2. Relay race style. Divide players into two equal teams.  Place all the cards in a pile on a table in the front of the playing area. One member from each team races up to the table and draws a movie, they can either PASS (in which they place the movie title aside or PLAY in which they use the emoji cards to describe the movie to their team.  Once the movie has been guessed that players returns to their team and another players takes their place as describer.  This continues for 20 minutes.  At the end of the 20 minutes which ever team has the most points for correct answers wins.   

3. Divide players into two teams. One player draws a movie title card and has two minutes to use the emoji cards to describe it for their tema only, but the other team can and should watch. If the team guesses the correct movie during that time they get the point.  If they don’t guess it the other team gets one guess, if it is correct they win two points.  The turn moves to the other team.  The first team to 20 points wins. 

4.  Everyone gets their own set of emoji cards.  Each player takes turns choosing a movie title.  The other players must use emoji cards to describe the movie.  They put the cards in order and hold them together with a paper clip.  The Player who chose the movie title collects and looks at them all (without knowing who’s is who’s ) and chooses the one they think is the best.  That person gets the point, play moves clockwise. 

get your scary movie emoji scramble now!
instant download $4.99

 Once you complete your order you should receive your game within minutes via email. It comes in a high-resolution PDF file. I recommend you print on card stock for a more durable product, some even choose to laminate so they will have the game for years to come.  

Your game includes:

  • 180 emoji cards
  • The list of 90 Movies
  • Game Instructions

Once you complete your order you should receive your game within minutes via email.  THe game arrives in a high resolution PDF.  I recommend you print on card stock for a more durable product, some even choose to laminate so they will have the game for years to come.  No physical product is mailed.

If you do not see your download in your email, please check in your junk folder before contacting me.  Often, depending on how your email is set up, this is the culprit.  If it is not in your junk folder contact me at  The other reason this happens is because you accidently typed email address was wrong on the order.  I will check and resend.