Do you have something to contribute to our party pages? We have many requests for guest contributions and though we are always interested in adding good content to our site we do have some requirements for accepting Guest Post.
- The content must be a 100% unique and original article. We do not accept plagiarized or cross-posted content.
- The content must be of value to our visitors. It must fall under the umbrella of party themes, party games, or party ideas.
- Your submission is permitted to be promotional in nature and can contain commercial web addresses as long as they are determined to be beneficial to our visitors and are used in a way that is transparent and does not violate the trust our visitors have in us.
If you have a contribution you would like us to take under consideration please submit it below. You will be informed of our decision within two weeks. Acceptance is at our discretion. Once accepted, we will contact you with a request to sponsor your article and have a link placed to that article from our home page. You can choose to accept the offer or not - your article will be posted regardless, the sponsorship is for the promotion of the article not the publishing of the article itself.