Baby Shower Silly Games

Baby Shower silly games are the highlight of the baby shower itself. Getting the mommy to laugh a little in the last months of a most likely uncomfortable pregnancy can be hard. Yet, with the right games and atmosphere you can have mommy smiling and giggling like a kid. While gathering the ideas for games we do our best to make them cost efficient, fun, and plentiful. So please enjoy the following fun baby shower  games and laugh a little while your at it.

Baby Shower Silly Games
Bottle Chug

Nothing is quite as funny as seeing your friends sipping on a bottle like a baby. You will need to have some cheap baby bottles and a drink to fill them will. Usually juice or Kool-Aid work well. You will need to poke a couple extra holes in the nipple of the bottles. After you have some volunteers hand them all a bottle. On go they will drink the bottle as fast as possible and the first to empty their bottle wins.


Baby Shower Silly Games
Feed Me Mommy!

Now is the time to act like a baby again. Have your guests split into pairs. Give each duo a baby spoon, a paper towel bib and some applesauce in a small bowl. One of the two is the baby and the other is the mommy. Blindfold both the mommy and baby. When everyone is ready the mommy has to feed the baby as fast as she can. The first to feed their baby all of the food and make the least of a mess wins. This will make a bit of a mess but the laughs will be contagious.


Baby Shower Silly Games
Baby Telephone

As a child who didn't love playing telephone? By the time the message reached the end of the line it was pure nonsense. So for this game have all the guests sit in a circle. Have the person sitting next to the mommy think of a good piece of advice for motherhood. They will whisper it to the person next to them and it will continue around the circle until it reaches the guest of honor. She now has to announce what the advice is. Chances are at this point it has been completely jumbled and will make for good laughs. Now have the first person to advise move to the end next to the mommy as to keep the game going.


Baby Shower Silly Games
Potty Relay

Potty Relay

Anyone who has been pregnant has most likely experienced the torture of having to rush to the potty every hour. This game is a play on that misery and surely the mommy will enjoy watching others be tortured. It’s best to play this game outside. Line up several bowls on one side of the yard. In each bowl place a tack point side up and place a piece of tape over it to secure its position during the game. Now you will need to prepare several water balloons. Have your guest’s line up on the other side of the yard. They are to put a water balloon between their knees and cross the yard without “going potty”, or popping the balloon. Once they reach the bowls they have to drop the water balloon in the potty on the tack and get back to the other side. Depending on your guest amount you can have them do it more than once or have teams and once a full rotation of players is completed the team with the most successful runs, wins.


Baby Shower Silly Games
Diaper Wrap-Up

Have your guests separate into teams. Give each team a roll of toilet paper and set the timer for 2 minutes. Once everyone is ready to go they will wrap one of the team mates in their very own diaper. They have to try to be creative and make the diaper look the best they can. Once time is up have the mommy judge who did the best job and the winner gets a prize.

Baby Shower Silly Games
Sock Match

We all know that once socks have been worn there is no finding a match most of the time. Where do they go? This is a play on that unsolved mystery. Have each guest bring two pairs of baby socks with them. Have a container by the door for them to toss the socks in as they arrive. Split the guests into teams and unpair and mix up the socks. Place them in a pile in the middle of the table. Have the teams work together to pair up as many socks as they can. The team with the most pairs wins.

Baby Shower Silly Games
Pacifier Pass

This game involves team work with your guests and is a great way for people to relax and laugh a little. Split your guests into teams and have them form circles. Give each guest a straw and have them place it in their mouth. Pick one person on each team to put a pacifier on their straw. Now they have to pass the pacifier onto the straw next to them and so on and so forth. If someone drops the pacifier they have to start over. Once the pacifier has been passed around a full circle with no dropping, that team wins.

Baby Shower Silly Games
Dirty Diaper Pass

This fun little game is a variation of the hot potato game. Prepare two diapers, one of them with the inside colored with a yellow marker, this is the pee diaper. The other diaper color a little bit of the inside brown, this is the poop diaper. Make sure not to color too heavily so that you can see it when closed. Fold the diapers up like dirty diapers. Have the guests get in a circle and give a diaper to two of the guests. They will pass the diapers around while music plays in the background. When the music comes to a stop whoever is holding the diapers has to pass it to the person next to them and go sit down. This continues until only two people are left. They will pass the diapers between each other one last time with the music playing. Once the music stops they will open the diapers. The person with the poopy diaper is the winner and receives a prize.

Baby Shower Silly Games
Birth Story Match Up

As your guests arrive give them two index cards and a pen. On one of the cards have them write down how they told their partner they were pregnant. On the other card have them write down what happened when they went into labor. This always turns into a laugh fest because birth stories are always filled with mishaps and mayhem. Fold up the index cards and put them in a bowl. Later in the party have your guests take turns pulling an index card and reading it aloud. All the guests have to try and guess who the mother is.


Baby Shower Silly Games
Now That's a Mouthful

This funny baby shower game requires a little preparation but in turn only has one item on your supply list. That lovely little item is gum. Before the shower ask the father to be 20 different questions about their relationship or you can asks the attending guests questions about memories of the mommy. The sillier the questions, the better. Once the shower has started have the mommy sit in a chair in front of all the guests. With your lists of questions in front of you, ask the mommy to be the questions one by one. For each incorrect answer she must put a piece of gum in her mouth. If she answers correctly she doesn't have to add a piece but does have to keep the existing wad in her mouth until the end of the game. With each incorrect answer she will find it harder to not only answer but to even keep a straight face.

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