Breakup Party & Divorce Party Games

Whether you are celebrating your freedom or learning how to let go a divorce / breakup party is one of the funnest ways to say goodbye to that chapter of your life in style.  Gather up all your friends to help you celebrate ringing in the next chapter of what is going to be your amazing life.  Here are a few game ideas to get the party started, if you have one to add to the fun email us as and tell us about it.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Pin the tail on the Ex

All you will need for this game is double sided taper, a blindfold of some sort, a blown up picture of your ex, and a cut out donkey tail, you can include the butt of the donkey if you like. Hang the picture up on the wall and one by one have your friends put on the blindfold and try to pin the tail of the donkey on the face of your ex. The one pin’s the tail the closest to his/her mouth, wins the game.


Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Ax the Ex

Before your guests arrive you will need to print out ax cutouts. Cut them out and on an extra scrap of paper write down a bad or not so flattering habit someone would have as a partner. For example: someone who laughs too loudly, burps loudly, constantly interrupts, farts all the time, turns everything into a joke…etc. As your guests arrive you will give them a bad habit, an ax and a safety pin. They will see their bad habit and throughout the party they will display that bad habit in front of the other guests. When a guest runs across a habit they just cannot stand, they will pin their ax on the guest with the bad habit. At the end of the party, the person with the most axes is the winner they take home a small prize for being the worst habit.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Divorce Movie Match-Up

Supplies Needed- Poster board, marker, pens and tape or tacks

Write the title to each movie on one side of the poster board. In a different order, write the descriptions down the other side of the poster board. Number the title side and then letter the description side. The guests will take turns approaching the board and writing down what they believe is the correct number and match for the movie titles to the descriptions. Collect them all and see who has the most correct. The winner gets a small prize.

Death Becomes Her- After stealing, then marrying her best friends husband, this woman finds herself aged, lonely and marriage is a sham. She drinks a potion to make her beautiful and live forever only to be followed by her husband pushing her down the stairs…but she isn’t dead.

She Devil-After years of raising their two ungrateful children and sacrificing everything for her marriage and having only her love for romance novels to comfort her, Rose finds herself being left for her favorite author. She then starts a company to help scorned women start anew and tear his new life apart.

First Wives Club-Three women empower each other to seek revenge while succeeding in life when they all find themselves being left by their husbands for younger women.

War of Roses-Life seems perfect for this couple until they discover they are not happy with their current life and a war ensues. By the end of the movie their relationship hangs by a thread from a chandelier.

Mrs. Doubtfire- After the shock of a request for divorce from his wife, this husband finds himself dressed in drag, and changing identities just to be around is kids.

Sleeping with the Enemy- After gathering the strength to leave her controlling husband by faking her death and moving to a small town, she finds love with a drama teacher. But, it doesn’t her hubby long to figure it out and find her.

Sweet Home Alabama- After escaping the country life and succeeding in the city, this girl finds herself back home trying to get a divorce from someone she didn’t realize she still loves.

Waiting to Exhale- Four women find themselves at turning points in their lives when it comes to love. In the movie a famous singer played one of the women, the car of a cheating husband was set on fire and a single mother finds love next door.

Blue Valentine- This is a story about a young couple with a daughter, trying to hold on to a marriage that is quickly falling apart. A last attempt with a hotel stay and too much alcohol only leaves them to realize their goals in life are very different and divorce is inevitable.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Build a Man

All that you need for this game is scrap paper, a cutout of a person, double sided tape and pens. Have your guests gather around and give them each three pieces of paper and a pen. Have your guests write down three things that they desire in a partner, they can be as specific as they want. When everyone is done, gather up all of the desires. One by one you will read them aloud and place them on the part of the cutout that is appropriate to the desire. For example, if it is a hardworking partner, you would place that on the hand, or if it is a tender person then that would go on the heart, and if it is intelligence it will go on the head, and so on. When you are done you can have a good laugh over some of the submissions and see what is most important in a partner based on the gathered information.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Who Do Voodoo

Now is the time to bring out the creativity in the group. You will need clay or play dough for this project. Give each guest some of the clay/dough and have them make the best replica of their ex. When everyone is done they can take turns passing around their voodoo dolls and tell each other reasons they do not like that persons ex and do something to the doll, like bend its arm backwards or put its foot in its own mouth. You can also use straight pins if you want to go classic with your doll and at the end see who’s doll has the most haters.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

This game takes a little bit of preparation but will definitely have your guests laughing the whole way through. You will need an inflatable doll or something to act as the partner in this game. You will also need index cards and a marker. Separate your cards into even amounts based on the amount of guests you are expecting. You will write The Good on the back of each card in one stack, The Bad on the next stack and The Ugly on the back of the last stack. You will write a small description on each card, examples below, and once they are all complete you will shuffle the pile. Your guests are going to take turns pulling a card and acting out the card with the “partner” you have supplied.

The Good- Your Partner proposes, you introduce them to your family, takes you on your first date to a movie, takes you to a salsa club…etc.

The Bad- Your Partner farts in front of you, you burp when you are kissing, your partner is starring at their phone when you are talking about losing your job…etc.

The Ugly- Your Partner reveals they want to be a nudist by appearing nude at a dinner party, you have a fetish for strangers feet, you have to tell your partner you cheated with a grandparent of theirs and have fallen in love…etc.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Kick the Man Can

For this game all you will need is some outdoor space, a picture of the ex, an empty, clean, and not sharp metal can and some tape. You will tape the picture of the ex around the can. Have your guests separate into two groups and assign each side a goal, then place the can in the center on the ground. Usually a clothes basket on its side or a trash can is ideal for a goal. Have the teams stand opposite each other with their goal behind them. The mission of the game is, when it starts, to kick the man/woman can into the other team’s goal as much as you can before ten minutes is up. You can make up your own rules, like no contact or having a goalie. The purpose is just to get everyone laughing as they get a chance to kick the exes butt for once.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Famous Exes

On index cards write names of famous ex couples, one of their names on each card. Examples are;

  • Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore
  • Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise
  • Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
  • Madonna and Guy Ritchie

You should come up with at least 10 couples that are better off apart.  Challenge each person to pair the cards together with the correct ex in the fastest amount of time.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Broken Heart Pinata

Fill a heart-shaped pinata with little items that are all about being back on the market, or about relishing being single.  What you fill it with is up to you.  It could be condoms, little black books, pics of hotties, or even slips of paper each listing a reason why life is going to be better.  Take turns hitting it with a bat until that sucker breaks open.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Closure Bonfire 

Burn it all and roast smore's.  Burn pictures, teddy bears, wedding dresses, memento's, letters, ect.  Anything that makes it hard to let go of what you need to let go of to move on. Make it an occasion and pull out the chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers to ring in the new you!

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Ring Funeral

Have a funeral for your wedding ring.  Get a little casket for your ring, light some candles, fill some shot glasses and have everyone name a reason why that ring is better off six feet under.  For every good reason take a shot.  Bury that ring and never look back.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
Trash the Dress

Pull out that old wedding dress and have a blast trashing it... I mean it therapeutic right? This party idea is so popular that we have dedicated a whole page to it.  Check out our trash the dress party page.

Breakup Party / Divorce Party Games
More Ideas

  • Put a playlist together of songs that celebrate being single and songs that remind you of why you are never going back. Play them through your party or if you are daring sing them karaoke style.
  • Create a drink menu by changing some of the names of the drink to something more suitable to the occassion.  Think; Bum and coke, Gin and Toxic, New Sex on the Beach, Never aGin Sour, So Long Island Ice Tea, etc.

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