College Faculty Amazing Race

by Lori Beth Kellum
(KVCTC, South Charleston, WV)

We have moved our college to a brand new location during the Summer. Our new Vice President of Academic Affairs wanted to break the ice with a fun way of getting to know the new campus.

When our full-time faculty returns for their in-service they will be sent on an Amazing Race type scavanger hunt. We plan to divide them up into about ten groups of 5 to 6 per group. They will be given their first task or clue to direct them to an important place and be given their next clue when they get there.

Here some potential Amazing Race clues...

1. Make a list of the names and teaching assignments and office numbers of each person in your group.

2. Have a photo of your group taken under or next to KVCTC signage.

3. Choose a group name, make a sign and designate someone to carry it on your quest.

4. Where is the designated smoking area? Go there and take a picture of the group , with your sign.

5. Chose a group theme song. Extra points if you submit a video of the group singing/performing the song. (use your phone)

6. Find the person who manages the KVCTC Facebook page and have your group photo uploaded to the FB page.

7. Find the one place in the building where it is legal for faculty to gather and eat.

8. The most important person to any KVCTC employee is the one who controls your paycheck. Find that person, get his business card with his signature on it and your next clue.

9. Where do students go to pay fees? Find that area and get your next clue.

10. This computer lab is staffed by someone who has a degree from the University of Pittsburgh. Find that lab and get a copy of that person's job description.

11. One of the areas of KVCTC is distinguished by its "orange" theme. Go to that area, grab an orange, and get your next clue.

12. How many steps are there from the main parking lot to the General Education division area? Count them and get your next clue in the Gen Ed Area adjunct work room.

13. Where in the world is Nat Ayre? (This is a weekly update about our recruiter)

14. One of your group should have a picture taken in the President's personal bathroom. Don't let Carma (his assistant)catch you....

15. What did Mona Peaks get permission to have put on the wall in her office? Get your next clue from her.

16. The most recent Ph.d grad at KVCTC has something special waiting for you in her training room.

Here ia a rule we have so far, but we want it to be fun so...

All members of the group must travel TOGETHER to each destination. No points or further clues will be awarded if the group is not intact.

Prizes will be awarded for:
Group that finishes first.
Group finishing with the most points.
Group with the most members wearing KVCTC colors and/or logo.
Most original or best group name
Most original or best song

We want them to learn the areas important to them and the students so they know where to direct them. There is not much time to get settled in the new space and prepare for the Fall semester.

For ideas on how to throw your own Amazing Race Party check out our page on
How to thrown an Amazing Race Party