The royal knight scavenger hunt is so easy to print and play at your knight theme party. Most scavenger hunt offers a list of different objects for the player to find or locate. In this printable scavenger hunt each child is designated a knight and must find all the hidden pictures that match their knight's color.
Each of the six knights must find their coordinating helmet, boots, armor, horse, sword, and shield. Once a player or team finds all six of their knight items they can trade them in for a clue to the location of the treasure. The clues are actually pieces of a puzzle, Once everyone has received their treasure clues they must work together to put the puzzle together to reveal the royal treasure key. They can then trade the treasure key in for whatever treasure you choose.
This scavenger hunt was designed for children 3-8. It involves no reading so it is perfect for pre readers. This printable game makes a fun and exciting addition to any knight themed birthday party.
Fun and Unique: This game is definitely something that hasn't been played before. It involves all the children playing at one time, so no one is sitting around waiting for their turn.
Cooperative Play: This game doesn't label anyone a winner or a loser. All players must come together at the end and work together to find the treasure as a team. This equals lots of fun and zero hurt feelings.
Eye Catching Graphics: All the graphics used on the scavenger hunt clues and game pieces are fun and colorful, high resolution, and appealing to the eye.
Play Anywhere: this game can be played outdoors or indoors.
Easy Set-Up: The knight printable scavenger hunt comes with complete rules that make it easy to set up the hunt. All you have to do is print the out, cut them out, and hide the pieces. You can print them out on your home computer on regular printing paper, or for more durability simply use card stock. You can also choose to have them printed at your local print shop. I like to get my printing done at Staples.
Printable: Everything you need to play comes in a easy to print PDF form.
This Printable Hunt Game Includes:
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