Lego Birthday Party Blast

by Britney

lego birthday party favors

lego birthday party favors

I decided to do a Lego theme party for my son who is turning 7. I added a little twist to it though since we went to this library science event. It was awesome and made me think why not?

So here is the plan. I am going to have 7 stations to represent his age.

1. Table one is going to be the lego creation station. I am going to have a lego maze puzzle with one of his Lego Hero Factory guy's ball as it is the perfect size. I am also going to have a jar in which there will be all kinds of legos in which the kids have to guess how many are in the jar. There will also be free play where they can build whatever they want or use the little printable building directions I will have on the table. The lego website has a lot of free printables.

2) A bowl of horrors, where they guess what various gross concoctions are in the bowls. winner gets a small prize.

3)balloon blowout that has old soda bottles, baking soda and balloons to experiment with.

4) make a cake or potion station. Here there will be all kinds of fun cupcake toppings and icing along with different soda flavors and poprocks for that potion action!

5)slime on a dime. basically the make some green goop table with handy testtubes(amazon) to take it home in.

6) then we head outside for the mentos and diet coke experiment and then top it off with a

7) water melt snowball fight. (local Bahama Bucks sells these).

We are renting out a room at our church and lego is also contributing free magazines for the kids as party favors. you can also print off activity books for free and make candy or crayons with the lego molds sold on amazon too. you can also add dry ice to pitchers of koolaid for an awesome smoking effect. Check out your local library for lego design books or free bday party music such as kid bopz. Goggles from the dollar tree work great as safety glasses.

Another fun idea for a station would be to have the kids wear white tshirts and get those colored bubbles and they can go to town popping them on there shirts for bubble art. you can give the kids name tags or spray there hair temp colors for fun wacky do's. Cheap, awesome, and fun!!! That's always my goal at these things!!