Mad Science Party Game Ideas & printables

There is so much you can do with a mad science party. I threw my oldest daughter a science party for her 8th birthday, she still claims it as her favorite and that was five years ago. The science theme is so much fun because there are so many awesome things you can make and do. I am going to share my top favorite science party games, experiments, and activities that you can do at your kid’s science party. I also offer my own set of printable science party invitations and favors. I will personalize these with your child’s name, age, and party information. View all my Mad Science printables below games.

Mad Science party games & Activities
Monster slime

Creating slime is a classic mad science activity. The following slime recipe is soo cool because it flows when you pour it and it hardens when you squeeze it. It’s non-toxic and it doubles as an awesome party favor. If you choose you can even color it with food coloring. Monster Slime Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of glue
  • 1 cup of liquid starch
  • (optional) food coloring

The kids can create the slime using any container, but I recommend a zip-loc bag because you can make the slime inside it and then use it as storage.

1. combine the corn starch and glue together.

2. (optional) add a few drops of food coloring.

3. Using a spoon squish the ingredients together in a zip-loc bag.

Voila! Slime will last for a couple of weeks in baggie or even longer if kept in the refrigerator.

Mini volcanoes

Your party will go down in the history of cool parties when you let each kid create their own mini volcano! It’s not nearly as complicated as it seems. You’ll need:

  • An empty film canister for each child ( you can often find these for free at your local photo shop.
  • A can of brown play-doh for each child. ( or you can create your own dough to save on the budget)
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar for each child’s volcano.
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda for each child’s volcano.
  • 1 sturdy paper plate for each child.
  • Aluminum foil


  • A can or two of red play-doh. This is just for aesthetics for the top of the volcano.
  • Red food coloring – color the vinegar before use to add color to the eruption.
  • Dry ice. Put a small piece of dry ice in the film canister with the baking soda. When the vinegar is added the volcano’s will actually smoke. This one really impresses the children. 


1. Give each child a film canister, paper plate covered in aluminum foil, and play-doh can. 2. Let them build a volcano form around the film canister (on top of the paper plate, making sure they have the film canister open at the top (like a hole in a volcano).

3. Once everyone has finished put the baking soda (and the dry ice if you have it) inside the film canisters.

4. Let the kids add the tablespoon of vinegar. Voila! The eruption is acid meeting another substance called an alkali

Mini rockets

Did you know you could make a cool rocket from a bottle, baking soda and vinegar. This experiment is a blast! The kids will not be able to do this themselves, adult supervision is required and safety glasses are recommended (we don’t want anyone’s rocket to shoot there eye out). I would explain the how to here, but this video is so much more fun!

Test Tube Relay Race

Divide players into two teams. The first person from each team races to the lab with a test tube filled with water in hand. Once at the lab ( a table set up with rest of supplies) the child will discover beakers (you can use cups if you don’t have beakers) with red colored water, another with yellow, a third with blue, and a dropper to pull the water out with. At this point the lab professor (an adult volunteer) assigns each player a color. They must use the colored water to create that color in their test tube. Once they do this they rush it back to their team and pass it to the next player. That player then empties it, fills it up with fresh water (have a bucket of plain water next to each team) and repeats the race. The first team whose member finish the race wins. Supplies you’ll need:

  • Two buckets of plain water
  • Two test tubes (one for each team)
  • Two cups or beakers full of red colored water
  • Two cups or beakers full of yellow colored water
  • Two cups or beakers full of blue colored water
  • Two droppers
  • Two lab tables (the lab should be set up on the other side of the playing area.

Magnet fishing fun

Fill a container full of water and throw in metal objects such as coins, bolts, paper clips…etc. You can have some magnetic and some not. Create a “fishing pole” with a stick, string, and magnet. Let the kids take turns trying to fish items from the pond. Try and see if the kids can guess which items are magnetic and which items are not before putting in the water. You can also give each player a specific amount of time (30 seconds) to pull out as many magnetic items as they can.

Manic static

This game let’s kids see what cool things they can do with static electricity. Give each child a balloon and have them rub it on their hair until their hair stands up. NOTE: if the child hair does not produce static, let them rub a wool cloth on the balloon instead. Next let them try these fun experiments.

  • Tie another balloon to a string and tape the other side of the string to the ceiling. Let the children take turns moving the hanging balloon with the static from their balloon.
  • Put out a couple of empty soda cans and let the children see if their static balloons can move them.
  • Turn on the faucet so that the water runs in a small, steady stream. Rub the balloon on your head a few times, then move it near the water. The stream will bend without being touched.
  • Put a teaspoon of salt and paper on a plate for each child. Grains of salt and pepper will react toward their balloons by jumping on them .

Periodic table treasure hunt

I created this printable science treasure hunt myself. Players follow one clue to the next using the periodic table to break codes. The players do not have to have any prior knowledge of the periodic table to play. Clues are fun and feature known pop culture, people, characters, and things. 

DIY LAva Lamp Experiment

Get ready for crazy fun - this guy shows you how to make a "lava lamp" like show using a 2 liter bottle,  water, vegetable oil, alka seltzer, and food coloring.  

  1. Start by pouring 3/4 cup of water into the bottle.  You may want to use a funnel to make this easier and less messy.
  2. Next pour the vegetable oil into the bottle until it's almost full.  Give it a few minutes and let the water and oil separate.
  3. Add ten drops of red food coloring to the bottle (any color will work actually).
  4. Now for the exciting part - I would tell you but the video is so much more fun!

Printable Mad Science Party kit
instant download $11.99

Our printable Mad Science Party Kit comes with everything you need to put together the perfect Mad Science theme party.  To personalize with your kids name and party details just open in adobe reader, click on the default text and type in your own. It's that easy! 

This set includes:

  • Editable invitations
  • Editable Thank you notes
  • Page Banner
  • Editable Cupcake Toppers
  • Editable Water Bottle Labels
  • Editable Candy Bar Favor Labels
  • Editable Favor Bag Toppers
  • Editable Mad Scientist I.D Badge
  • Editable Tent Cards
  • BONUS: Mad Science Party Hats!

Your printable party set will arrive within minutes in a ready-to-print PDF file.  This is a digital purchase - No physical product will be mailed.  If you do not see it in your email please check your junk folder before you contact us - that is the usual culprit. If you have any questions or feedback we would love to hear from you!  Contact  Us At:

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