Orange is the New Black Drinking Game
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Orange is the New Black Drinking Game

If you and your friends love drinking together and OITNB then this drinking game is perfect for you.  Unlike regular drinking games where you all drink from the same random list of drinking cues, this game is a little different.  Each player receives several scenario cards, and when they see one of those happening on the screen they can play the card and pick another player to take a shot. See below for complete details.

Orange is the New Black Drinking Game
How it works!

This game can be played with up to 12  players, but as few as two. The more the merrier of course.  To start each player chooses a character card.  If you have less players then participants can choose more than one character to represent.

Next... deal the cards

Shuffle all the cards together and deal four cards to each player.  Cards are eitherOITNB scenario cards or special cards.

Each of the OITNB scenario cards feature a scenario that is likely to be seen on the show and three of the game characters.

When a player sees one of their senarios happening on the show they can play it and choose one of the three characters shown on their card to drink!

There are are special cards shuffled into the cards.  There are two different kind of special cards.  The double cross card can be played when another player makes you drink.  You can play it and make them drink instead.  The transfer card can be used any time when you would like to trade in the cards in your hands for new ones.

When starting the game each player also gets 5 OITNB tokens.  Every time they have to take a shot they have to give up a token.  The last player with tokens left wins the game!

The Rule of the "Chicken"

If a player plays a card and all the characters on the card are no longer in the game (or were not in the game in the first place)  then the last player to call out "CHICKEN" must take the shot and forfeit a OITNB token. The player of the card makes final call if there is a dispute on who said it last.

Orange is the New Black Drinking Game
What all comes with your instant download?

  • Complete instructions
  • 12 character cards
  • 80 scenario cards
  • 8 special cards
  • 105 OITNB tokens

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